If Earth Day is inspiring you to swap your everyday items for sustainable alternatives, you’re in luck with this flash sale from a variety of eco-conscious brands. Today only, you can score up to 40% off a variety of retailers when you use code FRIENDS at checkout.
All together, this flash sale delivers solid discounts, so whether you’re looking for outdoor gear, reusable totes, sunglasses or anything else, make sure to browse the sales below.
10% off sale
Ibex makes merino wool gear suited for any weather or occasion. From base layers to outerwear and everything in between, the brand strives to reduce their carbon footprint while supplying high-quality apparel and accessories. Score discounts on Ibex’s innovative outdoors wear today only.
40% off the Full Send collection
Sunski is on a mission to provide the best sunglasses for outdoor adventures. With collections ranging from alpine to sport to blue light, your eyes will be protected no matter what you’re up to. As warmer months approach, don’t wait to invest in a pair of high-quality shades — Sunski’s options are constructed from recycled plastic and designed to last (and if they don’t, there’s a free lifetime warranty). The brand also offers virtual try-ons, so you can see which frames suit you best.
25% off sale
If you’re trying to reduce your plastic bag use but keep forgetting your reusable bags, you’re in luck. ChicoBag’s polyester totes are machine-washable and available in a variety of prints, and stuff into a compact pouch, making them convenient on the go. You can also save on backpacks, produce bags, utensil sets and more sitewide.
25% off sale
Whether you’re a camping aficionado or just like to be prepared, it never hurts to have a LifeStraw on hand. The wildly popular personal water filter, which boasts 65,000 5-star ratings, removes 99.999% of bacteria, waterborne parasites and microplastics. Lightweight and effective, it’s a top seller among Underscored readers year after year. Get out into nature with a discounted LifeStraw filter, an essential for any outdoors trip.
20% off sale
Gear up for outdoor adventures with fire pits, lanterns, solar panels and battery banks from BioLite. The brand’s reliable products are ideal for off-the-grid lifestyles, so if that’s you, don’t miss these short-lived Earth Day discounts.
25% off sale
Versatile and machine-washable, Rumpl blankets are durable enough for the outdoors yet cozy enough for the couch. Our editors ran the Original Puffy Blanket through a gauntlet of tests and found that it held up — and we love that Rumpl’s products are made from sustainable post-consumer materials. Right now, you can shop everything that the Climate Neutral Certified brand has to offer at a solid 25% discount.
20% off Roo Single Hammocks
It doesn’t matter if you’re chilling in your backyard or heading to a nearby park or hiking trail — this highly rated hammock lets you chill out pretty much anywhere. Constructed with durable silky and fade-resistant nylon, fast-drying fabric and easy-to-attach carabiners, the Roo Single can safely hold up to 500 pounds. The 100% recycled fabric also comes in eight colors and the entire hammock stuffs down into a compact carrying sack that weighs under 12 ounces. Get the Roo Single for 20% off with code FRIEND.
Klean Kanteen
25% off sale
Klean Kanteen offers more than just reusable water bottles — their site offers insulated cups, food canisters, metal straws and more. Whatever you’re looking for, these products make durable alternatives to single-use plastic, plus you can decorate them with bumper stickers. Get 30% off sitewide and stay hydrated on the go.
Spend $100 and get a free MiiR Llama Bottle
Cotopaxi makes must-have gear that’s dependable if you’ve been in the wind, rain or snow all day. The Climate Neutral Certified brand is committed to sustainable and ethical labor practices and their products are constructed with repurposed fabric to reduce environmental strain. Shop men’s and women’s gear as well as backpacks, sleeping bags and more — Cotopaxi’s high-quality construction and sustainable practices make their products a worthy investment for outdoor adventures to come. Today only, when you spend $100 sitewide, you’ll get a free MiiR Llama 20-ounce bottle.