Bob Long, 70, became the oldest person to ever complete the Mongol Derby and the oldest to ever win it.

The Mongol Derby is an annual event which sees riders race 1,000 kilometers across the Mongolian steppe. The route is inspired by the Mongol Empire's pioneering postal service which was used to send messages.

Riders are monitored from afar by a team of experts and are able to stay with local families along the way.

The horses they ride are from local herds and are not entirely domesticated. A team of vets ensure the animals are not pushed too much and are rested every 40 kilometers.

Long took just seven-and-a-half days to complete the challenge but said the physical strain took its toll on his body.

A team of four riders finished the mammoth task in joint third.

Horses have always played a huge role in Long's life and he was inspired to take on the epic challenge after watching a film about the event.

Spending so much time alone in the Mongolian countryside proved to be a spiritual adventure. "I believe in God and a higher power and it was really comforting for me to use that as a crutch to keep going," he said.

Despite being fully prepared both physically and mentally, Long said he was surprised by the extreme weather patterns. He said conditions would switch from torrential rain to searing heat.

Long says he's still not bored of riding and would like to race again. "My personal definition of success is whether you do it again," he said.