It's perhaps the biggest party in the world of sport...

The annual Hong Kong Sevens, which this year was held from April 5-7, is loved by rugby fans and players alike, regularly attracting as many as 120,000 spectators.

Asked about the key to enjoying the event, comedian Al Murray once said: "You just have to hand yourself over and not worry about what time of day or night it might be."

No wonder there is a saying in Hong Kong: "If you ever get bored of the sevens, you can turn around and watch the rugby."

The Hong Kong Sevens dates back to 1976, with Fiji boasting more wins than any other country. The island nation picked up a record fourth-straight victory at the 2018 tournament.

From small beginnings, it's now a truly global affair, with 28 teams in total at the ground this year.

"What is incredibly special is that the city shuts down for it," says England sevens veteran James Rodwell, describing the sight of rugby-hungry fans in the stadium for three whole days as "humbling."

World famous for the atmosphere it generates, the Hong Kong South Stand does not stop jumping all weekend.

Fancy dress is a must.

"I start to get goosebumps when you talk about the atmosphere in Hong Kong," says Fijian sevens legend Waisele Serevi, who competed at the event on a number of occasions. What are your favorite memories of the Hong Kong Sevens? Have your say on CNN Sport's Facebook page