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Updated 10:44 AM EDT, Wed June 29, 2016
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At 48, Tony Hawk lands trick that made him famous
01:33 - Source: CNN

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At 48, Tony Hawk again landed the famous 900 trick

He first did it at the 1999 X Games

CNN  — 

They say you can’t turn back time, no matter how hard you try.

But for skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, time reversed Monday as he landed a 900 – or a two-and-a-half aerial spin – at the age of 48, exactly 17 years after he first performed the historic stunt.

In a video released June 27, Hawk commemorated the anniversary of landing his first 900 by attempting to recreate a piece of skateboarding history. After a few failed attempts, Hawk finally hit the trick at an indoor halfpipe to the applause of those watching.

“I never thought I would be doing this at my age when I was young,” Hawk says in the video. “I’m still going. I’ll keep on going until the wheels fall off.”

The skater had said he had attempted the stunt for years before finally landing the 900 at the 1999 X Games in San Francisco, the same year his son Spencer was born. The two revisited the moment Monday when the skateboarding legend once again attempted what is often known as one of the sport’s most difficult tricks.

“Spencer was there at my first one,” Hawk says. “Now he’s at my last.”