The eyes have it —
Alex Hua Tian, riding FBW Chico, clears a fence during the Express Eventing International Cup in Cardiff, Wales, in 2008.

Silver lining —
Hua Tian, based a stables in Cheshire, northern England, competed in the glaring spotlight of his home Olympics at Beijing in 2008, when he was just 18 years old -- and also won silver at the 2014 Asian Games.

Olympic ideal —
Hua Tian, who was China's youngest-ever eventing rider, shows his horse Watership Down on the first inspection for the eventing competition for the Beijing Games. The competition took place in Hong Kong to get around mainland China's quarantine rules.

Wings of Love —
Hua Tian, riding Furst Love, jumps the 12th fence during a London Olympics test event in Greenwich Park in 2012.

Making a splash —
Hua Tian's enthusiasm came from his mother, who had what he describes as "a very British equestrian upbringing, despite living and working in China." Here, he is pictured riding Harbor Pilot C at the Badminton Horse Trials in 2016.

National hero —
"I've really enjoyed riding for China -- and if I could make the decision again, I would do it all over again," Hua Tian says.