Always wanted to take your Mercedes-Benz out for a spin on the water? Well, thanks to the Arrow460-Granturismo, now you can.

The world-famous German car manufacturer, with a little help from British-based boat-building company Silver Arrow Marine, has for its latest offering swapped the more comfortable surroundings of land for uncharted waters.

"Giving shape to a boat was an exciting challenge for automotive designers like us," said Gorden Wagener, vice president of design at Daimler AG, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz. "Our task was to explore how to apply the Mercedes-Benz design language to the particular proportions and specific requirements of a boat."

The Arrow460-Granturismo may be a yacht rather than a car, yet it still retains the look and feel of a Mercedes-Benz S-Class vehicle, while the boat's design also echoes other iconic models from the motor giant's back catalog.

The Arrow460-Granturismo doesn't just look like a Mercedes-Benz car, it also shares some of the same gadgets as its on-road cousin. Alongside air-conditioning and a high-quality stereo, the yacht can electronically dim its windows to protect passengers from the sun, while the side windows and windscreen can open and close at the touch of a button.

Unlike your traditional Mercedes-Benz, however, the Arrow460-Granturismo comes complete with the likes of extendable tables and beds, as well as a wine cellar, luxury bathroom and separate dressing room.

"It's no coincidence that the boat is called the Arrow460-Granturismo as in motoring history the Granturismo has always been the most admired of cars," Paolo Bonaveri, Silver Arrow Marine global marketing and communications director, told CNN. "Granturismo blends performance, comfort and style -- and that's exactly what our yacht achieves."

Nicknamed "Silver Arrow of the Seas," the 14-meter yacht, which can accommodate up to 10 people, is powered by a 960-horsepower engine and can reach speeds of up to 40 knots (46 mph).

"In developing the new motor yacht, we have transferred our expertise to the marine industry, creating something never seen before in the process," Wagener said. "We wanted to create something special and what we have come up with is indeed unique."

Car manufacturers dabbling in the world of yachting is nothing new, with Mercedes-Benz following in the footsteps of rivals BMW, Bugatti and Aston Martin in turning its hand to yachts.
!["Cars brands have the most advanced design studios compared to all others industries so it's little surprise [they're designing yachts]," Bonaveri said. "Car companies need to find new clients, and maybe this is the way to do so. We've made something really unique and we have shown the way for other car companies."](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/160526170149-mercedes-yacht-13.jpg?q=w_4000,h_2670,x_0,y_0,c_fill/h_447)
"Cars brands have the most advanced design studios compared to all others industries so it's little surprise [they're designing yachts]," Bonaveri said. "Car companies need to find new clients, and maybe this is the way to do so. We've made something really unique and we have shown the way for other car companies."

It is perhaps little surprise that Mercedes-Benz has turned to designing vehicles that can take to the water. The three points of its famous star logo represent the three principal modes of transport -- land, air and sea.

If you've already got the checkbook out in an act of uncontrollable excitement over Mercedes-Benz's latest creation, then you may need to move even faster. The Arrow460-Granturismo Edition 1 is now on sale at a price of €2.5 million ($2.8 million) -- but just 10 models exist on the entire planet. Good luck ...