Police use water cannons Friday, March 18, to clear the main avenue of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where people were protesting Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and her ministerial appointment of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Rousseff named Lula da Silva as her chief of staff, and her critics say it is an attempt to shield him from a corruption investigation.

Police use water cannons on Sao Paulo protesters on March 18. Many Brazilians are also frustrated with a spiraling economy.

Demonstrators gather next to the presidential palace in Brasilia on Thursday, March 17.

Protesters face off with police in Brasilia on March 17.

A demonstrator clasps his hands during protests in Sao Paulo on March 17.

Demonstrators call for Rousseff's resignation outside the presidential palace in Brasilia on Wednesday, March 16.

A woman waves a Brazilian national flag in front of a line of riot policemen in Brasilia on March 16.

Demonstrators protest in Sao Paulo on March 16.

An impeachment sign is carried in Sao Paulo on March 16.

Riot police stand guard outside the presidential palace in Brasilia on March 16.

Demonstrators in Sao Paul carry a balloon depicting Lula da Silva as a convict on March 16.

Demonstrators throw tear gas back at riot police during a protest in Brasilia on March 16.

Demonstrators protest in Brasilia on March 16.

Demonstrators protest in front of the presidential palace on March 16.

A police officer uses pepper spray on protesters to keep them from getting closer to the Congress building in Brasilia on March 16.

Soldiers in riot gear block the presidential palace on March 16.

A demonstrator is dressed as Lula Da Silva during a protest in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, March 13.

A painted man in Manaus, Brazil, holds a placard supporting Congressman Jair Bolsonaro for President on March 13.

Thousands of demonstrators protest in Manaus on March 13.

A demonstrator protests in Manaus on March 13.