No, don't toss it out. This unappetizing root is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, and it has no fat or cholesterol. It also is a good way to get some manganese, potassium, phosphorous and -- what else -- fiber into your diet. Make roasted celery root "chips," grate it raw into a salad, or do the old-fashioned mash. It pairs well with apples or potatoes. The nutty flavor of cooked celery root also complements fish dishes.

Misnamed completely, these lumpy tubers are actually a species of sunflower and were originally harvested by Native Americans. Fat-, cholesterol- and sodium-free, these unsightly roots have a sweet, nutty flavor and are a great source of vitamin B1 and iron. Try them roasted with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt or raw, thinly shaved into a salad -- but be warned, eating the skin has given it another name: "fartichoke."

No, that's not the guts of an animal you're looking at; it's actually fermented Nappa cabbage. A traditional Korean dish, kimchi often has a spicy, sour taste, probably because it's been fermented underground in jars for months. It's an acquired taste for most, but Koreans eat one of the hundreds of varieties at every meal and therefore take advantage of kimchi's many antioxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals.

Looking a bit like an extremely large brain neuron, jicama has mild-flavored, juicy flesh and a crunchy texture that makes it perfect for crudités and relishes, slaws and stir-fries. Originally from Mexico, it's often served sliced and chilled, sprinkled with chili powder, salt and lime juice. Fat- and sodium-free, jicama is an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber.

This trendy tuber's white flesh tastes like a combo of cucumber and broccoli and is an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. Choose purple or green bulbs that are firm and heavy, with no bruises or cracks. Roast or steam, create a slaw, puree into a creamy soup, or mold into fritters. Some also cook the greens.

A cross between broccoli and cauliflower, this crazy "moonscape" veggie is lighter and sweeter than both of its parents. Fat-, cholesterol- and sodium-free, broccoflowers are an excellent source of vitamin C, and the unusual chartreuse color adds a visual punch to many dishes.

These homely roots are members of the mustard family and have a firm, creamy-yellow interior. They should always be peeled (tip: it's easier if you cut the root into pieces first). They are lovely in stews and pot roasts in place of that boring standby, the potato. Just like the potato, rutabagas are a bit high in sugars, but they have no cholesterol or fat and are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, manganese and dietary fiber.

With 3 grams of fiber in a half-cup, the unattractive taro root is an excellent source of fiber, as well as vitamin E, B6, potassium and manganese. Considered one of the first cultivated plants in human history, it's also known by as dasheen, eddo and kalo, and is inedible raw (possibly even toxic). Cook it thoroughly and use the potato-like root in curries, baking or roasted into chips.

Peeled easily with a vegetable peeler, turnips have a peppery flavor, are low in sodium and are a good source of vitamin B6 and selenium. Eating the greens is common in the South. Smaller turnips are more likely to be tender and sweeter; look for smooth skin and fresh-looking greens.

Look past the pretty flowers. You're eating those gnarly stalks. Chock full of fiber, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese with some great vitamin C, iron and phosphorus, cardoon is amazing for you except for one thing: It's a bit high in sodium, about 300 milligrams per serving. They also taste like the best part of an artichoke, with a lot less work.