Gerhard Richter —
Gerhard Richter's "Abstract Bild" sold for $30 million in 2014 at a Sotheby's auction, breaking the existing sales price record for the work of a living artist.

Gerhard Richter —
Richter is one of the world's most successful contemporary artists, both critically and financially. Though painting is his primary art form, he's known for experimenting with different media.

Gerhard Richter —
Richter's strip "paintings" are in fact digital manipulations of one of his paintings from the 1990s. After creating variations for three years, Richter has said he's ready to return to painting.

Gerhard Richter —
He is also known for experimenting with other media, as was the case with "Mirror, 1981," seen here at the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

Gerhard Richter —
In 2007, he created stained-glass windows for the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, based on his works from 1974.