Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
SLOVYANSK, UKRAINE: "Welcome to Balaclavistan! This happy chap wouldn't say if he's Crimean, Russian or Ukrainian." - CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
EASTERN UKRAINE: "Ukrainian Police checkpoint north of Donetsk. A rare sight these days in Eastern Ukraine." - CNN's Christian Streib, April 15. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
NEAR KIEV, UKRAINE: "Fresh recruits to Ukraine's National Guard Reserves (March 20). All of them are former anti-government militiamen from Kyiv's Maydan. They've all signed up within the last week as part of a mass recruitment program announced by the interim Ukrainian government." - CNN's Ivan Watson. WATCH THE INSTAGRAM VIDEO from Ivan of a curious "hand grenade" simulation exercise performed by new Ukrainian National Guard reserve recruits. Follow Ivan on Instagram at instagram.com/ivancnn.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
SIMFEROPOL, CRIMEA: "Early morning departure (March 19) at Simferopol airport where the Russian flag is already firmly in place on the tarmac." - CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE: "Celebrations already well underway here in Lenin Square in Simferopol (March 16)." - CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "The mood was grim in Kyiv's Maydan (March 16), as a mustachioed Ukrainian Cossack beat a kettle drum during the separatist referendum in Crimea." - CNN's Ivan Watson. WATCH THE INSTAGRAM VIDEO Follow Ivan on Instagram at instagram.com/ivancnn.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE: "Voting has started in Crimea (March 16). Steady stream of voters at this polling station in the center of Simferopol." - CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
DONETSK, UKRAINE: Demonstrators wave revolutionary flags at a major pro-Russia rally in Lenin Square in central Donetsk (March 15). Some are calling for independence from Ukraine. Others are calling for union with Russia. Photo by CNN's Kellie Morgan.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE: "Pro-Soviet flags being made and handed out in Simferopol on March 14." - CNN's Michael Holmes. Follow Michael on Instagram at instagram.com/holmescnn.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE: "You really don't have to wander very far in Simferopol (March 14) to find posters like this one around parliament and Lenin Square." - CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "Protesters outside parliament in Kiev on March 12 call for the release of 34 political prisoners arrested during demonstrations." - CNN's Dominique Van Heereden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
DONETSK, UKRAINE: "Dominating the main square named after him: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, also known as Lenin" - CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: CNN cameraman Scott McWhinnie films volunteers peeling vegetables, preparing meals for protesters still living in tents in Maidan, also known as Independence Square, on March 9. Photo by CNN's Michael Holmes. Follow Michael on Instagram at instagram.com/holmescnn.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
SEVASTOPOL, UKRAINE: The Ukranian Navy vessel Slavutych remains blocked by Russian Navy boats inside the Port of Sevastopol on March 10, photographed by CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
SEVASTOPOL, UKRAINE: "CNN's Matthew Chance and team talk to the first officer of the Ukrainian Intelligence Navy ship Slavutych inside the Port of Sevastopol on March 10." - CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: People stream through Independence Square, laying flowers, and lighting candles. like the ones pictured here on March 9. Photo by CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: An aerial photo of Independence Square, or Maidan, in Kiev on March 8. Many remain camped out in Independence Square, while others stream through the area to pay tribute to those who were killed. Photo by CNN's Tony Umrani.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: A giant EU flag is hung outside the foreign ministry building in Kiev on March 7. Photo by CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh.

Ukraine Crisis captured by CNN Teams —
SOUTHERN UKRAINE: Gunmen block monitors from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) who are trying unsuccessfully to negotiate their way into Crimea past pro-Russian border patrols on March 7. Photo by CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: CNN's Anderson Cooper reports from Kiev's Independence Square on March 6. Photo by CNN's Khalil Abdallah.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Portraits of people killed during clashes with riot police are left with candles and flowers at Kiev's Independence Square on March 6. Photo by CNN's Michael Holmes. Follow Michael on Instagram at instagram.com/holmescnn.

Ukraine Crisis captured by CNN Teams —
SEVASTOPOL, UKRAINE: Cameraman Chris Jackson captures the Russian Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol on March 5. Photo by CNN's Ben Wedeman. Follow Ben on Instagram at instagram.com/bcwedeman.

Ukraine Crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "Cutting wood to keep volunteers warm as they continue to guard Independence Square in Kiev." - CNN's Khalil Abdallah on March 5. Follow Khalil on Instagram at instagram.com/madcameraman.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
WASHINGTON, DC: Ukrainian demonstrators rally on March 5 outside the White House against the Russian incursion into Crimea. Photo by CNN's Burke Buckhorn. Follow Burke on Instagram at instagram.com/bbuckhorncnn

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
SEVASTOPOL, UKRAINE: "A massive statue on a hill overlooking Sevastopol, dedicated to the unity of the Soviety army and navy during World War II. After a brutal 250-day siege by German forces, Sevastopol fell in 1942. The past weighs heavily here, with an intense awareness of history, of identity, of place." - CNN's Ben Wedeman. Follow Ben on Instagram at instagram.com/bcwedeman.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
SEVASTOPOL, UKRAINE: "A weary Ukrainian soldier after a five-day standoff at the Belbak air base outside Sevastopol, Crimea, on March 5." - CNN's Ben Wedeman. Follow Ben on Instagram at instagram.com/bcwedeman.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: The Shrine of the Fallen on Institutska Street honors the "Heroes" killed in clashes with police. Photo on March 4 by CNN's Dominique Van Heerden. Follow Dominique on Instagram at instagram.com/dominique_vh.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: CNN Cameraman Christian Streib sets up for live shots by the barricades on the road to Independence Square on March 4. Photo by CNN's Jon Steward.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "27-year old Bogdan sits on top of his Russian-made soup kitchen in Indepence -- or Maidan -- Square on March 2. He's been sitting there for the last three months serving delicious Ukrainian grechaniy soup. It's made of buckwheat, lentil, coriander and beef. Amazing taste." - CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
PEREVALNOYE BASE, UKRAINE: "Outside Ukrainian base in Crimea (March 2), tight-lipped but obviously Russian marines deploy around perimeter as Ukrainian soldiers inside vow not to surrender." - CNN's Ben Wedeman. Follow Ben on Instagram at instagram.com/bcwedeman.

Ukraine Crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKAINE: "Perhaps the best solution to end the crisis in Ukraine." - CNN's Christian Streib on March 2. Follow Ben on Instagram at instagram.com/bcwedeman.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "APC in central Kiev (March 1). It appeared the morning after Russian forces moved into the Crimea." -- CNN's Ian Lee. Follow Ian on Instagram at instagram.com/ianjameslee.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: A young girl pays tribute to anti-government protesters killed in the clashes with riot police by placing a flower on a makeshift memorial leading to the barricades in central Kiev on February 24. Photo by CNN's Todd Baxter.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: A woman mourns at a makeshift memorial (February 23) in homage to anti-government protesters killed in clashes with riot police in Kiev's Independence Square. Photo by CNN's Todd Baxter.

Crisis in Ukraine, captured by CNN Teams on assignment. —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Bullet holes in a power pole at a spot where a protester was killed during clashes with riot police, near Independence Square. Photo by CNN's Todd Baxter on February 23.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Ukrainians are reflected in a puddle as they gather to mourn the dead in Maidan Square on February 23, after protesters succeeded in forcing President Viktor Yanukovich out of office. Photo by CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "Anti-government demonstrator in makeshift riot gear (February 22), a member of several protection units set up by the organizers of the occupation of Maidan Square." - CNN's Christian Streib. Follow Christian on Instagram at instagram.com/christianstreibcnn.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Defected policemen and anti-government protesters at barricades together in central Kiev on February 21. Photo by CNN's Fred Pleitgen. Follow Fred on Instagram at instagram.com/fpleitgencnn.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Anti-government protesters clash with riot police in central Kiev on February 20. Photo by CNN's Todd Baxter.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Riot police face anti-government protesters during clashes in central Kiev on February 20. Photo by CNN's Todd Baxter.

Ukraine crisis captured by CNN Teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: After the deaths of 25 people during clashes a day earlier, Ukrainian protesters prepare to stand and fight again on February 19. Photo taken by CNN's Andrew Carey on February 19.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: "This 17 year old protestor was taken by police as he was watching the clashes (January 23) while taking iPhone photos. He was stripped naked, beaten, stabbed in the thigh and his arm was broken. He faces eight to fifteen years in jail for taking part in a mass demonstration. The government has labeled those taking part in the violence as 'terrorists'." - CNN's Diana Magnay.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Pro-Europe protesters pour into Independence square on December 14. Opposition supporters have been camping since Nov. 21 in Independence Square - in protest against President Yanukovich's last minute refusal to sign an agreement bringing Ukraine closer to the European Union, in favor of Russia. Photo by CNN's Diana Magnay.

Crisis in Crimea and Ukraine, captured by CNN teams —
KIEV, UKRAINE: Ukrainian riot police storm barricades set up by pro-European Union protesters in Independence Square on December 11. Ukrainian security forces stormed the square, which protesters have occupied for three weeks. The demonstrators defiantly refused to leave and resisted the police in a tense standoff. Photo by CNN's Diana Magnay.