Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
Union and civil rights activists march in Lagos, Nigeria, to protest the removal of petrol subsidies by the government.

Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
Protesters march in Lagos, over an increase in fuel-prices, photographed by iReporter Samuel Osabuohien.

Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
Bystanders watch as protestors try to set fire to a car tire in the middle of Ikorodu Road in Lagos.

Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
This photo of protests on Ikorodu Road was taken by iReporter OKshorty1.

Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
OKshorty1 said he heard about the protest on Twitter. "The aim of the protest was to disrupt vehicular movement, shut down gas stations and ask people to go back home. The mood was one of anger and frustration towards the Government for doing this on New Year's Day."

Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
iReporter Boma Taiu took this photo of protests in Ibadan, Nigeria. "The poor are suffering," he said.

Fuel-price protests in Nigeria —
iReporter Paul Utho took this photo of the protests in Ikorodu Road, Lagos. "The people are tired of this insensitive government," he said.